Koganecho Bazaar 2019 New Menagerie
2019年9月20日から11月4日までの40日間、ニワニワパラダイスとして参加して『黄金の泉〈Golden Pond〉』を発表しています。
黄金町バザール2019−ニュー・メナジェリー | |
Title | Koganecho Bazaar 2019 New Menagerie |
会期 | 2019年9月20日(金)〜11月4日(月・祝) |
Dates | 20 September [Fri]〜4 November [Mon], 2019 |
会場 | 京急線「⽇ノ出町駅」から「⻩⾦町駅」間の⾼架下スタジオ、周辺のスタジオ、屋外、他 |
Venues | Studios and galleries under the railways, and other indoor and outdoor spaces around the Koganecho area. |
開場時間 | 11:00〜18:00 ※毎週土曜と11月3日(日)は20:00まで開場 |
Open | 11:00〜18:00 (Until 20:00 every Saturday & 3 Nov [Sun]) |
休場日 | ⽉曜⽇(月曜祝日の場合は翌火曜日) |
Closed | Mondays (or Tuesday, when Monday is a National Holiday) |
入場料 | 700円(会期中有効のフリーパス) |
Admission | 700yen (valid for the entire exhibition period.) |
主催 | 特定非営利活動法人黄金町エリアマネジメントセンター/初黄・日ノ出町環境浄化推進協議会 |
Organizers | Koganecho Area Management Center, Hatsunecho-Koganecho and Hinodecho Environmental Cleanup Initiative Committee |
共催 | 横浜市 |

*「menagerie(メナジェリー)」とは、近世ヨーロッパ(16-18世紀)の王侯貴族たちが、アメリカ大陸やインド洋航海ルートの「発見」により、それまで見たこともなかった動物や植物を一堂に集めたといわれる動物飼育舎です。現在の動物園(zoological garden)のルーツと言われています。
The “Koganecho Bazaar 2019 New Menagerie” is a 40 day arts festival held in the Koganecho area. This year we have a varied programme, including artwork from 15 artists from around the world, guided tours, workshops, talk events and a market.
Our theme “New Menagerie” has been chosen to “explore a new management style”. We are looking to create a new environment which encourages the growth of new relationships between the locals, visitors, artists and the exhibition organisers.
*”Menageries”, a foundation of the modern-day zoo, first appeared in the 16th-18th centuries as places for European royals to show off their wealth and power by presenting plants and animals collected through the “discovery” of North America and the Indian Ocean trade route.
Director’s Message: “Taking the best”

黄金町バザールディレクター 山野真悟
Koganecho Bazaar has always aimed to explore the relationship between art and society, through the production of art created in Artist in Residence programmes, and exhibitions in urban and everyday spaces. An important part of this theme is not only for the art to question and re-envision the local community, transport, economy and politics, but also for society to re-envision art, creating an interactive relationship between the two.
This year’s Koganecho Bazaar will focus on the relationships between the visitors to the area, artists from different cultural backgrounds, and all the people involved in the Bazaar, and how these relationships have and can evolve. With the intention of shedding light on the new relationships formed throughout the entire period through production and exhibition, we have titled the theme of this year’s event “New Menagerie”.
By “New Menagerie” we mean to explore “new management methods”. It goes without saying that exhibiting work in urban and everyday spaces is only made possible through the process of numerous decisions and fine adjustments. We would like this process to work towards “taking the best” of what we have. By this we mean not working unilaterally, but creating an environment in which anyone can actively participate in the process as a creator of new relationships, and so encourage mutual change which we believe is important in such endeavours (as Koganecho Bazaar). “New Menagerie” is in this way an opportunity to develop a “new management method” that is updated collectively. Although this (may be) something that has already been happening in past Koganecho Bazaars, it is not something we have previously emphasised as a main element of the Bazaar.
“Taking the best” means to try out new possibilities by once again disassembling the relationship between art and society and rebuilding it, which has been an ongoing theme of Koganecho Bazaar. This time it will be a big task for everyone to capture and express this more consciously, but how will it be achieved?
We hope you look forward to this autumn’s “Koganecho Bazaar 2019: New Menagerie”.
Koganecho Bazaar Director Shingo Yamano